
That’s Unbelievable: Doubt and the Resurrection
Today is Easter Sunday, or Resurrection Sunday as some believers prefer to call it. It’s an amazing story. A man is tortured and crucified, dies an excruciating death, is placed […]

Second Book Quote Revealed
Though he gave no explanation, Uncle Jacob’s order was clear: Susanna was never to step foot on the neighbor’s property. Disobedience meant severe punishment. She wanted to obey. She really […]

When Sparrows Fall, First Book Quote Revealed!
She had been watching the neighbor’s barn for months. Something really strange was going on in there at night. Curiosity overwhelmed her. She had to know.

Divorce and Kids: Ten Do’s and Don’ts
When I was newly graduated from high school, I eagerly anticipated my future adulthood with marriage a high priority. My life was all mapped out and proceeding according to my […]